
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Chinese Vs. English

Okay now hold your horses ... I know what you're thinking... this bitch is going to say some racist shit, isn't she? WELL, sad to say NO! I’m however going to talk about the difference between Chinese (Mandarin) and English pop music, the beats and more importantly the lyrics

I’m not going to talk about traditional music or instrumental, but rather our modern day music. This is my opinion/views towards English pop and Chinese pop. There are similarity and differences, and today I'm going to focus on the differences between the two languages.

The beats or also known as the Soul of music, as many a times people get attracted to the beats of the song before the will actually listen to the lyrics.
I’m one of those people; I will first be lured in by the beats of the song before I start focusing on the lyrics. I have to admit hands down that English pop has a better beat than many Chinese/Mandarin Songs, as it would really make you want to dance to the beat and shake your booty. Not to say that Chinese song doesn’t have good beats, it’s just that the lack of what I term it as movement. What the heck is movement you say, it’s the instant attraction to make you or even to compel you to search for the song and download it to your phone and listen to it for hundred times that very day. However, there are some Chinese songs that did make me want to do that, but most of the time it would be an English pop song that gives me that instant push to find and download that song.
For example, Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO or Titanium by David G, both songs have incredible beats and the very instant you hear it, you want to dance and ‘make love’ (joking). Nonetheless, there are some very repetitive beats in English pop songs, sometimes you heard a certain song and you would be thinking ‘hey haven’t I heard this beat (usually this) song before?’ but when you get to know that title of the song, it’s actually something completely new or many foreign… It gets you thinking that maybe English pop does have lots of repetitive beats in many of their songs. Yes there are original ones, but there are also songs known as ‘copier’, some producer just got lazy and he was like’ hey I just change the tune and put this beat into another song to cheat young foolish people into thinking it’s a completely new and original song’.
Chinese pop doesn’t really have that, their beats are usually original and different, and you can distinguish the different songs. Although not as ‘attractive’ as a English pop song, but the more you listen to a Chinese pop song the more you’ll fall in love with it, kind of the opposite to an English pop song.

Lyrics the colours to the song, one of the most important elements and a way to express thoughts and emotion that can capture millions of people. Although nowadays many young people like me don’t really listen to lyrics…sometimes, but it is still a core of a song.
Honestly some English pops doesn’t make sense to me because many of the lyrics to a song are really shitty. Even if you do understand the lyrics, won’t you be asking yourself ‘WTF??’, is the song writer high when he wrote that song, or is he running out of things to write. Really have you tried to read up or listen to what some Artist are singing nowadays. For Example, Lil Wayne “Rich as Fuck”, the song title says it all:
Look at you, now look at us
All my niggas look rich as fuck
All my niggas look rich as fuck
All my niggas look rich as fuck
That’s the chorus of the Song. Really all my niggas look rich as fuck?! That’s what the whole song is about, other that being ridiculous vulgar it doesn’t convey any meaning all ALL. It’s ike they don’t even bother to think! Seriously are the people or rather the song writer getting really lazy like extremely lazy, because all they do is copy and paste the chorus and few verse and add in some random words and BAM* new song, and to my disappointment many teenagers or young people even me listen to these songs.
When an artist actually writes song that means something they get criticize at how boring or stupid is that song.
I know Taylor swift is a moppy bitch but hey at least her songs means something, although the content is about the same, I’m quite amaze at how she can write songs with the same theme but with different words and produces different beats to all of her songs. As bad as she is, well she isn’t the worst… and is obviously better than many ‘Artist’ out there.
Chinese/Mandrain Pop is a whole different thing. I’m not trying to be bias or anything but their lyrics actually means something. Although some of the songs are weird and meaningless, many or most songs I’ve heard have a specific meaning or the lyrics really captures me and coveys a certain message. Some of their lyrics even pulled some strings in my heart, it makes me emotional and I can really feel the pain or happiness of the song. One of the best song I’ve heard is sang by Stephanie Sun, her songs are beautiful and all of her songs makes sense or means something to me. Not some junk.
One of her most popular song tilted Dark Sky is simply beautiful, heart wrenching, emotional and perfect. The lyrics are wonderful and well Magnificent. I am speechless I cant express myself with words.  Below is the English translation of the Song’s chorus:
Falling in love has made me give little regard to one's life.(literally)
Falling in love has made me reckless. 
I thought this was the only world I could pursue (literally)
I thought this was the only way I could live my life. 
Yet I fumbled, was misunderstood, was cheated. 
Even if the back of the adult world is incomplete, 
I must walk on the forked road I face everyday.
I cherish the past's simple little happiness.
Love always makes people cry, makes people feel unsatisfied.
The sky is so big, yet lonely! 

To end this blog post, I have to say that there is no definite winner of which is better , both languages have their pros and cons. I can’t say which is better because I love listening to both English and Chinese songs. In our fast pace society, the top songs are mostly ephemeral, the top hundred or whatsoever is always changing. I guess we should try to expose ourselves to different songs and learn to listen and enjoy all type of music. Of course we can let loose and listen to shitty and meaningless songs, but I feel that something we should also take the time to search and listen to something more… Beats are temporary and you get over it very quickly, but sometimes lyrics can touch us and be imprinted in our minds. To conclude, English pop and Chinese pop are equally awesome , they have their flaws but hey nothing is perfect. I just hope that sometimes the lyrics to a song can be more than just random words put together.

Friday, July 5, 2013

that long?

Just realised that the last time i log into this blog was about 2 years ago , and that's a very long time. I guess i've forgotten bout this blog and well here i'm back to posting about random things in my life. Have been feeling very stressful lately due to my upcoming o lvl examinations... The tension is escalating at an rapid rate, i'm getting frustrated , worried and i feel exhausted almost everyday after long hours of studying. However, i feel that i'm not putting enough effort, if this continues on, i'll be fucked.
Not to mention that my teachers are pressuring me or rather my class about the importance of studying for this upcoming examinations, i was like 'duh do you think we dont know?!' , i not lying there's a big ass LED board at the top of my school foyer showing all the students , especially the graduating class; the countdown before Os or Ns level starts. I SWEAR IT'S MOTHER EFFING BIG , THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE WHEN YOU STEP INTO SCHOOL, THAT DAMN BOARD. 
Funny thing is my dad saw the board too when he came for the PTM(parents teacher meeting) which i have to go too(insert roll eyes) for some reasons... and he was making a joke about how they should instead show the numbers of days till o lvl ends , which will be more encouraging , and i totally agreed with him. Why not show us something positive or something that the students will look forward to instead of some they dread. Nonetheless, even without the board i'll still feel 'it' , so it's really pointless(the board).
Did i mention that my school doesn't have PROM NIGHT?! OMG THIS SUCKS, REALLY AFTER 4 YEARS AND THE ONLY THING WE GET IS OUR DAMN REPORT BOOK... AND MAYBE A VIDEO OF 'APPRECIATION'. Get this most of the students hates their school , i'm don't deny it either , but at least there would be something that the school does that will allow the students to have some fond memories of the school. Not to say that i don't have any fond or good memories of my school, it's just that Prom would be an event that will forever be imprinted in our minds/memories because it's celebration for US , for every graduated students. But too bad my school doesn't organise one for us... sad sad sad
On the bright note, my school did 'organise' a show for all the students from the graduating classes to watch. The show tilted 'Phantom of the Opera' and it's a Broadway  at the Grand Theatre of Marina Bay Sands'.  I'm excited for it , but i have to pay $30 ... but from what i've heard you'd need to pay for prom too soooooooooo... i guess it not a bad deal. 
Well that's all for today.