
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New P.

New yr new things , well lots of new things.
1: Im Sec2 , streamin yr , damn stress!
2: New Pricipal.
3: New rules
4: Pricipal gonna kill us.(LOL)
Well the 4 reason is jus crap , i dont really know whether she
will kill us(hope not :P).
Well heard that she is very strict , oh crap.
New rules and lots of rumors .
I try not to let those rumors get to me,
cause most of the time ppl exaggerate those rumors !?

We can nvr predict wheres life would take us

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Okay , well it been another two weeks since i post smth , sry bout that,
the reason being too LAZY to post , hahahah.
Now to my post.
This alway made me wonder , why do people always care for awards , fame , postion etc.I dont get it , even myself want all that.I alway wish that when exam is over and you get ur report card you will be one of the top students , checking ur position in school.Yes u will checked the result , for it is a 'As' or 'Fs'.
But after that u will directly check for the positioning , i mean seriously , then if u know u get a great placing but didnt get better then ur friends,somehow u will not be satisfied unless ur better than ur friends or just unless ur n.o 1.First.
I guessed its human nature.This ongoing battle in ur life , crazy craving for the "BEST" .
This is just my opinion so dont take it too harsh.Maybe whatever i wrote here is crap to u , but this is just what i think , my thoughts , so i post.
That was lame ...
My post end here , BYE :D !

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Exam Over!


Heyyyy ,
imma back to posting , hehe :D .
Okay ,
now ,
oh YES ,
Exam finally over!
Anw took my last paper on 12/10
Which was Art and Math.
Math was okay , but i screw up my art , oh wateva.
Doesnt care , now its all Fun!

Finish , Done = Play , Fun , Happy , Fooling around n RESULT